Enhance the performance of your Firefox

Many of you must be using firefox as your default web browesr, if not hurry switch to firefox. Firefox to many looks no different than other browsers. But the fact that many are unaware of it being highly customizable. It is “about:config” this that makes it highly customizable. It is this command that opens up a world of obscure preferences that can be used to tweak the default setup. Like Linux it is Open to all.

The special string about:config, which can be typed in the Firefox Location bar where the addresses of Web sites are entered. You will see its features enumerated in alphabetical order. To narrow down the hundreds of configuration preferences to just the few you need, type a search term into the Filter: bar. To edit the preferences, double click on the name and you’ll be asked to enter the value. If double click on the boolean value it will toggle ( true to false or vice-versa )

Not every changes take effect immediately, you may need to restart you firefox.

There are many changes you can make to it but at your own risk :). I will show you some tweaks to enhance the performance:

Starts rendering faster:

On the filter you type nglayout.initialpaint.delay. This features deals in rendering pages. Its default value is set to 250 and you may change it to 0. This determines how long Firefox waits before starting to render a page.

Maximize connections to multiple servers:

You now type network.http.max-connections. By default, this is set to 24, which should work well for most network connections, but you can raise it to 32 and see if that has any effect.many simultaneous network connections Firefox will make at any one time to any number of Web servers.

Maximize connections to the same server:

You now type network.http.max-connections-per-server .By default, this is set to 8 you may change it to 16.

Turn on pipelining:

You now type network.http.pipelining.It has a boolean value (true or false). This feature speeds up loading of web pages. It uses the technique of pipelining which sends multiple requests at once without waiting for servers response.
If you turn this on (that is, set its value to true), also be sure to create or edit the integer preference network.http.pipelining.maxrequests, which controls the maximum number of requests that can be pipelined at once. 16 should do it; some people go as high as 128 but there’s not much evidence it’ll help. (If you use a proxy, set network.http.proxy.pipelining to true as well.)